How Much Casing Do I Need for Sausage?

Jul. 10, 2023

Determining the amount of casing needed for sausage-making depends on various factors such as the type of casing, the size of the sausages, and the quantity of meat you intend to use. Here's a guide to help you estimate the amount of casing required:

Types of Casings:

There are different types of casings available for sausage-making, including natural casings and artificial casings. Natural casings, usually derived from animal intestines, provide an authentic texture and flavor to sausages. They are available in various sizes and are often used for traditional sausages. Artificial casings, on the other hand, are made from materials like cellulose, collagen, or plastic, and come in different diameters and lengths.

 C400 Smokable Casings

C400 Smokable Casings 

Sausage Size:

Consider the desired size of your sausages when calculating the amount of casing needed. Sausage sizes can vary widely, from small breakfast sausages to larger bratwursts or salamis. The length and diameter of the sausage will determine the amount of casing required.

Casing Preparation:

Before using natural casings, they need to be soaked in water to rehydrate and remove excess salt. The amount of water and soaking time required can vary based on the specific casing and supplier recommendations. Keep in mind that soaking will increase the volume and length of the casing, which may affect the estimation.


To estimate the amount of casing needed, follow these general steps:

a. Determine the total weight of your sausage meat mixture. This will include any additional ingredients you plan to mix with the meat, such as spices, herbs, or fillers.

C500 Sausage Packaging 5 Layers Nylon Casings

 C500 Sausage Packaging 5 Layers Nylon Casings

b. Calculate the weight of one individual sausage. Divide the total weight of the meat mixture by the desired number of sausages you want to make. For example, if you have 2 kilograms of meat mixture and want to make 20 sausages, each sausage would weigh approximately 100 grams.

c. Measure the length required for each sausage. Decide on the desired length of your sausages. It can be a standard length or based on personal preference. For example, if you want your sausages to be 15 centimeters long, note this measurement.

d. Calculate the total length of casing required. Multiply the desired length of each sausage by the number of sausages you plan to make. Using the previous example, if each sausage is 15 centimeters long and you want to make 20 sausages, you would need a total length of 300 centimeters (or 3 meters) of casing.

e. Consider any extra length needed. It's a good idea to add some extra length to account for tying off the ends of each sausage and any potential breakages or mistakes during the stuffing process. Adding an additional 10-15% to the total length should provide a sufficient buffer.

Packaging and Supplier Information:

Casing packaging usually provides information on the length and size of the casings. Refer to the packaging guidelines to determine how many meters or feet of casing are included. This can give you a general idea of the amount you have available for your sausage-making project.

Remember, these calculations are approximate, and the actual amount of casing needed may vary depending on individual preferences and circumstances. It's always a good idea to have some extra casings on hand to ensure you have enough to complete the sausage-making process without interruptions.

By considering the type of casing, sausage size, and following the estimation process outlined above, you can have a good starting point for determining the amount of casing needed for your sausage-making project.

For more information, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.

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